
How To Bring Your Guy On A Family Vacation And Make Sure No One Gets Tossed Overboard


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You guys have been serious for a while now. Yay! No more jerks. No more waiting around to see if he’ll call. Proud of you. This is the Year of the Nice Guy, after all. Hey, maybe you’ve even brought him to your cousin’s wedding. That’s a big step. Now you want to take the next step….no, not putting a ring on it, not even adopting a dog. I’m talking about bringing him with you on a family vacation. I know you go on vacation to relax and unwind, but bringing your guy with you on a family trip can be stressful. It’s pretty easy to have everyone get along for a dinner. A long trip in close quarters? That’s a different animal. My boyfriend has come on several trips with my family at this point, so I’m here to offer a few tips that I’ve picked up along the way so you can have a peaceful time while you’re getting a tan:

1.) Don’t force the togetherness

 You’re not in sixth grade anymore (praise Jebus, no more awkward haircuts and braces) which means that you can take a few hours off from the family and spend some alone time. It’s wonderful to be with your family and your significant other at the same time, but it’s also nice to get some one-on-one time in while you’re on a trip.

2.) Help your guy out

When the whole family starts laughing about that stupid thing your brother did at this same restaurant six years ago, your guy is going to feel out of the loop. Clue him in and tell him what everyone’s laughing about. If a family member starts referencing other family trips or other family members, explain what they’re talking about. It will help him appreciate the conversation even if he wasn’t there for the memories that are being discussed. You don’t want him to feel like he’s the odd man out the whole time.

3.) Make new traditions and include him in the old ones

If you have family traditions that you’ve done the same way at the same time for years and years, it may feel weird having this new person there mixing up the dynamic. Be aware that your guy may feel like he’s intruding. Make sure he feels welcome during family traditions. It’s also a good idea to start new traditions that he can be a part of from the beginning.

4.) Hands home

Remember, these people changed your diapers/grew up with you/remember you as a little kid with a bowl cut. Spare them the mental images and don’t grope your guy in front of them.

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